The containment of building sites enables you to isolate them from contact with the outside. There are two reasons for building site containment: either you are concerned about pollution coming from the outside, or you need to prevent your building site from polluting the outside air, as is the case for asbestos removal. But in both cases, workers must be able to move around the site to work. Zip doors are a useful, quick and affordable solution for the lay-out of your building site.
Why and how to confine a building site
There are diverse containment configurations. For renovation work, for example, you need to protect the rest of your site from dirt, dust, plaster, paint, metal fragments or wood shavings, etc. On the other hand, you must also protect your site from weather conditions that prevent you from working, such as wind, or that deteriorate your work, such as rain.
Containment also concerns sites that need to be cleaned up. The nuclear industry often uses containment, as do asbestos removal sites, which must be shut down from the outside to avoid any risk of contamination. Workers must work in a closed environment, wearing the appropriate protective clothing depending on the material they have to handle.
The last example of containment is shipyards, which very frequently use containment. Ship building, maintenance and renovation require very large-scale shipyards that need to be isolated, but to work comfortably workers must be able to move from one area to another easily.
The thermal-sheeting solution creates perfect containment conditions. It is quick and easy to install and does not require a lot of equipment. The principle consists in wrapping your building site in heat-shrinkable film that you heat with a torch to weld it. The heat shrinking of the film creates solid walls, for an environment that is then not in contact with water, air, and dust.
For some building sites, you can also use kit structures to install removable partitions, at the size adapted to your building site.
In any case, these sites must be laid-out with the movement of workers in mind.
The zip door solution for containment worksites
The zip door is the ideal solution for asbestos removal sites or any other confined sites. It is cost-effective to purchase, quick and easy to install and practical to use. Zip doors are available in several sizes to fit any site configurations.
The zipped door allows you to make an opening in your heat shrink film, without affecting the sealing of your building site. It can be opened with one hand and in one movement, to open and close it quickly, while carrying the necessary tools or accessories.
The zip door is made of transparent PVC 1000 g/m². It is a reliable,strong and flexible material that keeps its shape. Its metal zip is designed to resist repeated and numerous passages.
The only accessories you need are a cutter and a special tape to seal the walls of heat shrink film together, or, in our case, the zip door on the heat shrink film partition.
You do not need a torch for this operation, as the zipped door does not need to be heated.
The installation is done directly on your thermo-shrink film wall. You position your door at the desired place. You fix it with your specific tape all around its edges, taking care to join the two ends of the tape.
Open the zip and cut out your door with the cutter. It is instantly ready for use.